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University of Creation Spirituality
Doctor of Ministry Degree/Certificate Program

June, 2003 Intensive
Week 1: June 9-13

Art-as-Meditation: Journeying with the Chakras - #61036

Instructor: Russill Paul

Faculty Bio: World Class Musician and Chant Master, Russill has served on the Creation Spirituality faculty for 6 years. He is associated with Rising Son International and Dolphin Bay Music as a composer and record producer. Russill has performed and taught internationally and has been featured in conferences on music, healing, and spirituality. His spiritual training was primarily as a monk and student under Dom. Bede Griffiths at his Hindu-Christian Ashram for many years where he learned Sanskrit chanting, yoga, and meditation practices.

Course Description: Eastern mysticism has long studied and developed spiritual disciplines around the awakening and channeling of energy through the chakras. I would like to bring my personal experience and practice of working with the chakras through the use of sound as well as breathing, and explore it in the context of creation spirituality and other art forms. This course will be an inter-active and inter-disciplinary course in which we will explore eastern methods of working with the chakras and apply these practices to our own personal art form such as painting, movement, or music.

Suggested Background Reading:

  1. Living With Kundalini by Gopi Krishna. Shambala Publications.
  2. Kundalini: The Arousal of True Inner Energy by Ajit Mookerji. Destiny Books.
  3. Sounding the Inner Landscape by Kay Gardner. Caduceus Publications.
  4. Kundalini Yoga For The West by Swami Shivanandra Radha. Shambala Publications.

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