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Healing Others by Healing Ourselves: Ancient Wisdom for Racial Healing

Workshop Leader: Kokomon & Aeeshah Clottey

Date: June 4th, 2004   1pm - 5pm

DESCRIPTION: This workshop is designed for peole who are working with others and who are willing to explore beliefs and attitudes about the "other" which they may unconsciously carry into their work experience. It focuses on different levels of communication and the genetic inheritance of rhythm and vibrations from ancestors. There will be an exploration of rhythmic mutations, permutations and combinations in relation to multiculturalism.

This workshop is experienctial and will offer participants practical tools to support and enhance their professional life and environment. Participants will learn how to be transported into a state of "mishe" or happiness and enahnce their ability to be in touch with their authentic power.

Tools: The Drum and a willingness to participate from the heart. (If you have a drum, please bring it. A limited number of drums will be made available.)

Recommended Reading: Beyond Fear: Twelve Spiritual Keys To Racial Healing by Aeeshah & Kokomon Clottey; Mindful Drumming: Ancient Wisdom For Unleashing the Human Spirit & Community Building by Kokomon Clottey.

PRESENTERS: Aeeshah Ababio Clottey
Aeeshah is a mother and grandmother. She is an author, co-founder of the Attitudinal Healing Connection, Inc. and serves on the Boards of the University of Creation Spirituality, Global Renaissance Alliance and the Attitudinal Healing Connection, Inc located in West Oakland. She has worked as an Assistant Program Director at a local psychiatric residential treatment facility for over twenty years utilizing the principles and processes of attitudinal healing to assist people suffering from severe mental illness. Aeeshah is a motivational speaker, spiritual activist and is internationally recognized for her work in healing racism. She has written numerous articles on the subject of healing racism and her book, Beyond Fear: Twelve Spiritual Keys To Racial Healing is now being utilized in many colleges and universities to assist students in deepening their understanding of diversity. Her latest work include, a chapter on Race Relations in a bold new book titled: Imagine: What America Could Be In The 21st Century, edited by Marianne Williams.

Kokomon Clottey was born to the Ga-Adagbe trie in Accra, the capital of Ghana in West Africa. The Ga society is rich with ancient codes of conduct, deep spiritual beliefs, and awesome rituals of power. Kokomon is an interpreter of this Indigenous African tribes wisdom and rituals.
Kokomon is a storyteller, record producer, author, and teacher. He has produced two compact disk, Love is the Answer, and Mystic Vision, and is the co-author with his wife Aeesha of Beyond Fear: Twelve Spiritual Keys to Racial Healing (Tiburon, CA: HJ Kramer, 1998.) He contributed to Imagine What American Could be in the Twenty-First Century: Visions of a Better Future form Leading American Thinkers (Emmaus, PA: Rodale, 2000) and is the author of Mindful Drumming: Ancient Wisdom for Unleashing the Human Spirit and Building Community (2004).
Kokomon is the cofounder of the Attitudinal Healing Connection Inc., in Oakland, California. He is also cofounder of the Center for Attitudinal Healing in Ghana, West Africa.

FEE: $40, $30 for students – To register contact Aileen Donovan, Naropa Oakland, (510) 835-4827, ext. 19 email: or visit our Web site: creationspirituality.org

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