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Non-Degree Study

The University of Creation Spirituality offers options other than a degree program for those wanting to study with its outstanding faculty.

A Certificate program is open to anyone who may not have a Bachelors degree. It requires the same number of courses but does not require the Master thesis.

The innovative educational programs, spiritual practices and challenging courses presented in the Sabbatical & Certificate programs in Creation Spirituality here at the University of Creation Spirituality (UCS) are designed to engage students in serious academic study of the new cosmology, the creation tradition, and post-modern questions and values. These, in addition to experiential processes, value body/mind/spirit modes of learning, self-direction, service to the community, compassion and a reverence for all creation.

The Certificate Program requires 28 credits of either full-time or part-time study. In addition to one required Intensive each semester, students combine weekday, weekend and optional Intensives to complete their coursework.

Sabbatical students ordinarily complete 14 credits of study. The program is designed to be flexible to meet individual student's needs. Students can begin their course of study in either the Fall or Spring semester. (Beginning dates are September and late January respectively.)


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