Friday, June 29 ‚ Monday, July 2, Oakland, CA
REGISTRATION FORM: Print out and mail, or fax in with credit card info. 510-835-8635
City____________________________________State____________________________ Zip_______________
Daytime Phone___________________________Evening Phone______________________________________
Art-as-Meditation Courses have a limited enrollment. Please indicate your choice for the weekend
in order of preference below (1st, 2nd, 3rd). First choice requests honored whenever possible.
___Mindful Drumming ___Yoga of Sound ___Sacred Cinema
___Indigenous Mind ___Sacred Movement ___Chi Gung & Creative Process
___Techno Ritual ___Journey through the Mysteries of the Mother
Special access, or diet needs:_________________________________________________________________
Housing: is available at many Hotels and B&Bs (list will be sent upon request.)The Washington Inn,
510-452-3937, will reserve limited rooms for FCS: $89 for single, $109 for double, (identify as FCS
participant.) Call Shirley at UCS, 510-835-4827 x-34, for room sharing arrangements.
Refunds: A $35 processing fee will be charged for cancellation prior to June 1, 2001.
After June 1st, 50% of your tuition is refundable.
Tuition: $295.00 (includes Reception and 3 Meals) $350.00 after May 15th.
Call to inquire about scholarships/work-study opportunities.
Make checks payable to Friends of Creation Spirituality Inc.
Total Enclosed: $____________
Send Registration with payment to:
Workshop Registrar, University of Creation Spirituality, 2141 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612
You may use a credit card by fax to reserve your space and speed up registration: 510-835-8635
Type of Card (Visa or Mastercard only)________________________________________________________
Card Number______________________________________Expiration Date____________________________
Name on Card_____________________________________Signature_________________________________
You will receive a confirmation letter upon our receipt of this registration.