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Doctor of Ministry/Certificate Program
Schedule of Tuition and Fees
Effective January 1, 2004

Degree Tuition:


Payment of $1,100.00 is made per intensive
Total of 10 Intensives

Certificate Tuition:


Payment of $1,100.00 is made per intensive
Total of 7 Intensives

D. Min.Degree General Fees:

Application Fee


payment included with application

Registration Fee



Art-as-Meditation Fee


payable at registration; refund: pro rata

Instructional Fee


payable at registration; refund: pro rata

Candidate Review Fee


payment when requesting certification

Dissertation Filing Fee


payment when filing forms

Dissertation Readers Fee


payment when dissertation is sent to UCS
$600-Faculty; $400-Outside Expert

Graduation Fee


payment when filing graduation petition

Cancellation Fee


registration cancellation 30 days or less
before an Intensive

Offsite Fee


payment, if applicable

Transcript Fee


payment when requesting transcript

Continuation Fee


each 6 month term in the program after the 5 years: each term must be approved

Certificate General Fees:

Application Fee


payment included with application

Registration Fee



Art-as-Meditation Fee


payable at registration; refund: pro rata

Instructional Fee


payable at registration; refund: pro rata

Certificate Review Fee


payment when requesting certificate review

Graduation Fee


payment when filing graduation petition

Cancellation Fee


registration cancellation 30 days or less
before an Intensive

Offsite Fee


payment, if applicable

Transcript Fee


payment when requesting transcript

[The first payment in the degree or certificate program includes tuition, registration fee, art-as-meditation fee and instructional fee. Payment may be made by check when registering by mail for your first intensive.  Future tuition payments may be made by credit card or check on the Monday morning of the Intensive you are attending.

Faculty ] [ Paper Due Dates ] [ 2003 Schedule Of Courses ] [2004 Schedule Of Courses]
[ 2004 Calendar ] [ Registration ] [ Admissions ] [ Fall 2003 Schedule of Off-site Courses ]

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