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University of Creation Spirituality
Doctor of Ministry Degree/Certificate Program

Nov 2003 Intensive
November 9-14 2003 NY

Seminar: The New Cosmology- # 60002

Instructor: Larry Edwards, Ph.D

Faculty Bio: Larry Edwards, Ph.D., is a chemical-physicist and author of many scientific articles as well as a contributor to Arab Resources: The Transformation of a Society. He is a cosmologist and co-founder of the Epic of Evolution Society. Currently Larry teaches at the University of Creation Spirituality, California Institute of Integral studies, University of San Francisco, and Genesis Farm. He is also developing The Earth Story Project, a multi-media presentation of the Universe Story.

Course Description: This course will cover the story of the Universe from its initial flaring forth fourteen billion years ago, through the emergence and evolution of Earth life, and the evolution of human self-reflective awareness. Implicit in this story is a vision of an emerging era of Earth as sacred community.

We will explore a functional cosmology, that is, a cultural context in which all life can function in a meaningful manner. Central to this exploration will be the adoption of a new identity, simultaneously part of and integral with the whole Earth, an identity congruent with recent discoveries of the elegance and intelligence of the Universe process.

Learning Objectives:


The Power of Story
- To realize that we all live within a Story;
- To appreciate the power of the Story in which we have embedded ourselves;
- To explore a new Story


The Gifts of the Universe I
- To understand the emergence and evolution of the Universe and Earth as a process of gifting.
- To understand that the gift and gifts are the same.


The Gifts of the Universe II
- To understand the emergence and evolution of the Universe and Earth as a process of gifting.
- To understand that the gift and gifts are the same


The Gifts of the Universe III
- To understand the emergence and evolution of the Universe and Earth as a process of gifting.
- To understand that the gift and gifts are the same.


The New Cosmology
- To consider the implications of the Universe Story as a new context for our personal and cultural lives.

Required Reading:

  1. Swimme, B. and Berry T., The Universe Story.
  2. Swimme, B., The Universe is a Green Dragon.
  3. Berry, T., The Dream of the Earth.
  4. Quinn, D., Ishmael.

Suggested Reading:

  1. Goodenough, Ursula. Sacred Depths of Nature.
  2. Berry, Thomas. The Great Work.
  3. Hidden Heart
  4. Life
  5. Guns, Germs, and Steel

Pre-Class Writing Assignment: List and describe briefly (5-8 pages) five events chronicled in The Universe Story, from each of the four main periods, galactic, Earth life, human emergence to the classical civilizations, and modern human. Of these twenty or so descriptions, expand on one and relate it to your own spiritual journey.

Post-Class Writing Assignment: Write a short (5-15 page) paper answering the question, "How has Story affected my life?"

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