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University of Creation Spirituality
Doctor of Ministry Degree/Certificate Program

October, 2004 Intensive
October 24-29 2004

Art as Meditation: Journey of the Heart: The Way of Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi: Honoring the Guest - # 61091 

Instructor: Hadi & Shakina Reinholtz

Faculty Bio: Hadi Reinholtz                         

Credentials and Degrees

BA (English)- University of California at Berkeley, 1960

General Elementary Credential- San Francisco State, 1961

Master’s in School Administration- San Francisco State, 1966

Spiritual Studies

·         initiated Sufi Order International 1981

·         coordinator for Sufi Order International West Coast Trainings and Retreats 1983 to 1991

·         appointed San Francisco Representative Sufi Order International 1993 to February 2000

·         initiated Mevlevi Order of America 1993

·         served as administrator for Abode of the Message a Sufi Community in New York State February 2000 to July 2002

·         Board of Directors Mevlevi Order of America 2002 to present

·         Board of  Directors Suluk Academy May 2003 to present

Course Description:     Honoring the Guest

“We of the Mevlevi path seek to dissolve ourselves in the Presence of God through the practice of Turning, by a continual process of purification, Remembrance and self examination, and by viewing all who come into our lives as “The Honored Guest,” 1 We seek to become one with God not after we die but now, in this lifetime, in this moment. From this point of view we have created a five day journey to experience the path of the mystic; by immersing oneself in Sufi practice through conscious use of the breath, cleansing and activation of the energy centers of the body, turning, Remembrance (zikr), examination of the heart, and exploring the realms of light.  These practices include, breath concentrations, sitting meditation, visualization, chanting coupled with sacred movement, and learning the dance of the dervish, Turning.  Interspersed with these participatory practices will be moments of poetry, silent reflection, sharing, and an opportunity for sohbet  (spiritual dialogue and/or questions).

 We as Sufis hold God as our Beloved and by attuning to the Beloved as our Friend and Honored Guest we can open to a specific methodology for developing intimacy with ourselves and the world in which we live. The stages of the journey are:

 1). Preparing for the Guest; Preparation and purification, beginning the journey within.

 2). Welcoming the Guest; Empty mind, receptive heart, cultivating the ear of the heart, opening to our inner guidance.

3. Being Present to the Guest; Seeing with the eye of the soul, embracing the totality of separateness and unity, joy and sorrow, crucifixion and resurrection.

4). Serving the Guest; Recognizing the Divine in our selves and those around us, renewing our ideal nature, reforming our relationship to others. 

5). Becoming One with the Guest; Living from our Divine nature, celebration of the Divine in All, attuning to the cry of humanity in our time.

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